新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9日男单前瞻:纳达尔盼再胜伯蒂奇 穆雷遇考验

9日男单前瞻:纳达尔盼再胜伯蒂奇 穆雷遇考验

The 9 day: Men's singles looking Nadal hope again wins Bertie Murray met

2015-01-26 23:52:25来源: 网易

网易体育1月26日报道: 墨尔本当地时间周二中午11:00(夏时制),北京时间明天早晨8:00,2015年澳网正选赛将进入第9天,两场万众瞩目的男单下半区1/4决赛,则预计将从北京时间12:00左右陆续进行。前4轮1盘未失的伯蒂奇遭遇他已经8年没有击败过的纳达尔,力争抢下1盘也许是比较...

NetEase sports in January 26th reported: Melbourne local time Tuesday noon 11:00 (Xia Shizhi), tomorrow morning Beijing time 8:002015 years the Australian Open draw will be entered its ninth day, two high-profile male single half 1/4 finals, it is expected from Beijing time 12:00 about succession. Before the 4 round of 1 disk without losing Berdych encounters he has not beaten Nadal 8 years, and strive to grabbed 1 disc may be compared...