新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女排世界杯最佳阵容 朱婷荣膺MVP当之无愧

女排世界杯最佳阵容 朱婷荣膺MVP当之无愧

Women's Volleyball World Cup team Zhu Ting was awarded MVP worthy of sina

2015-09-06 22:18:54来源: 新浪

朱婷突破 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月6日消息,2015年女排世界杯在日本落下帷幕,中国女排以10胜1负的战绩获得最终冠军。赛后,主办方公布了赛会最佳阵容,朱婷当之无愧获得本届世界杯的最有价值球员。...

Zhu Ting breakthrough of sina sports news Beijing time on September 6, 2015 women's Volleyball World Cup in Japan falls next heavy curtain, the Chinese women's volleyball team with 10 wins and 1 negative record won the championship final. After the game, the organizers announced the best lineup, the most valuable Zhu Ting fully deserve to get the world cup players. ...