新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈思诚泰国拍新片不惧与《泰囧》比较


Chen Sicheng Thailand shoot film fear and the Thai embarrassing "compared

2015-07-13 03:36:59来源: 人民网

小聂供图 京华时报讯(记者聂宽冕)由陈思诚自编自导的悬疑喜剧《唐人街·探案》正在泰国曼谷热拍。日前,片方开放了媒体探班,王宝强、刘昊然、佟丽娅、陈赫、肖央、小沈阳、潘粤明等众主创亮相。 《唐人街·探案》在泰国拍摄正值酷暑,剧组人员每天挥汗如雨。当天几位主创一出现,新鲜的造型就引来...

small Nie Gongtu Jinghua times (reporter Nie wide crown) by Chen Sicheng self homing suspense comedy" Chinatown, Holmes "is taking heat in Bangkok, Thailand. Recently, the film side open media goings, Baoqiang, Liu Hao Ran, tongliya, Chenhe, Xiao, Xiao Shenyang, pan Yueming, numerous creative appearance. "Chinatown," detective shooting comes amid the summer heat in Thailand, the crew Perspiration came down like raindrops. every day. The same day a few creative appearance, fresh style attracted...