新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惊曝高尔夫友妻门!伍兹再犯性瘾约会队友前妻


Jing Bao Golf friends of the wife! In the United States open woods sexual recidivism addiction dating his ex-wife

2015-07-03 07:02:58来源: 华体网

信息时报讯(记者杨琳)在美国公开赛失利之后,伍兹并没有淡出人们的视线。但是这一次,他又一次以花边新闻男主角的身份出现——英国《每日邮报》近日提报,伍兹被发现约会高尔夫球手杰森·达夫纳的前妻阿曼达。 伍兹与“滑雪女王”沃恩分手后,外界一直在探寻两人分道扬镳的真正原因。《每日邮报》终于寻到...

Information Times News (reporter Yang) after the defeat, woods did not fade out of people's sight. But this time, he once again to the identity of the lace news actor appeared, the British "Daily Mail" recently submitted, woods was found his ex-wife Amanda dating golfer Jason Davenat. Woods and the "ski Queen" Vaughan after breaking up, the outside world has been exploring the real reason the two part company each going his own way. "Daily Mail" finally found...