新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国概念股周三收盘多数上涨 汽车之家涨10%

中国概念股周三收盘多数上涨 汽车之家涨10%

Chinese stocks closed Wednesday rose in most car home rose 10%

2015-10-01 07:42:01来源: 新浪

中国概念股周三收盘数据 新浪科技讯 北京时间1日凌晨,周三美国股市收高,中美利好经济数据数据提振了市场情绪。但第三季度美股表现仍是4年来最差的一个季度,三大股指跌幅均超过7%。中国概念股周三收盘...

China concept stocks closed Wednesday data dispatch of sina science and Technology Beijing Time 1 day morning, U. S. stocks closed higher Wednesday, Sino US positive economic data boosted market sentiment. But the third quarter U.S. stocks performance is still the worst in 4 years, the three major stock indexes fell more than 7%. Chinese stocks closed Wednesday...