新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盐城纪念抗战胜利演出社区行启动 持续到年底

盐城纪念抗战胜利演出社区行启动 持续到年底

Yancheng commemorate the victory of the Anti Japanese War show community starts continued to the end of the year

2015-08-14 18:55:03来源: 人民网江苏视窗

淮剧小戏《陈毅托子》 人民网盐城8月14日电(马焘焘)13日下午,江苏盐城市亭湖区五星村四楼会堂座无虚席,一场题为“热血丰碑,筑梦盐城”的社区文艺演出在此上演,演出拉开了盐城市纪念中国人民抗日战...

Huaiju drama "Chen Yi Tuo Zi" people's network, Yancheng, August 14 Ma Taotao 13 afternoon, Jiangsu Yancheng Tinghu District five-star village on the fourth floor of the hall was packed, a entitled "hot blood monument, dream Yancheng" community art performances on the stage, the show opened the Yancheng City in commemoration of the Chinese people's Anti Japanese War...