新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北博物院“小小美术家快乐临壁画”活动开始报名


Hebei Museum "happy little artists facing mural" activities for

2015-04-05 23:40:07来源: 长城网

资料图:快乐临壁画。省博物院/供图 长城网4月5日讯(记者 李默)记者4月5日获悉,为了让更多的小朋友享受到博物馆的资源,感受体验式学习的乐趣,河北博物院策划推出的第十四期“小小美术家 快乐临壁...

data figure: happy face painting. Museum for the the Great Wall network April 5th news (reporter Li Mo) reporter was informed that in April 5th, in order to allow more children to enjoy the museum resources, experience the fun of learning style, the Hebei Museum plans to launch fourteenth "happy little artists near the wall...