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暖气主管爆裂带来连锁反应 多个小区停热

Heating in charge of burst caused a chain reaction of multiple cell stop hot

2014-12-17 22:57:04来源: 青岛网络电视台

昨天晚上,青岛北村附近七八个小区,全部渡过了一个寒冬。合肥路上的暖气管道突然爆裂,居民遭了殃。所有居民都真正体会了一把寒冬的滋味。 近万户居民停热,都源于昨天下午两点半,合肥路上的暖气主管道突然...

last night, Qingdao village near seven or eight plots, all through a winter. Hefei Road heating pipe suddenly burst, the residents suffered. All the residents have really experience a taste of winter. Nearly 10000 households stop hot, are derived from two thirty yesterday afternoon, the heating main pipe on the road suddenly hefei...