新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乌鲁木齐市公交司机上岗需接受酒精测试


Urumqi city bus drivers posts need alcohol test

2015-06-02 22:44:28来源: 中国新闻网

为了防止公交司机酒后驾车,影响乘客的出行安全,乌鲁木齐市公交集团近日在全市12个站点安装酒精测试仪,所有公交司机上岗前均需接受酒精测试。6月3日正值驾驶员中午交接班时间,记者在快速公交2号线二毛终点站看到,公交司机秦刚正在接受上岗前的目测和酒精测试。 【同期】检测酒精画面

receiving is to prevent drunk driving the bus driver and passengers travel safety, the Urumqi city bus group recently in the city's 12 sites install alcohol tester, before mount guard of all bus drivers are required to undergo an alcohol test. June 3, positive driver at noon time shift, the reporter in the rapid transit line 2 end station to see, Qin Gang, a bus driver is accepted appointment before the visual and alcohol testing. Alcohol picture of the same period