新关注 > 信息聚合 > [经济强省 美丽河北]石家庄造林造绿工程再下重锤

[经济强省 美丽河北]石家庄造林造绿工程再下重锤

[economic strong province beautiful Hebei Shijiazhuang afforestation green building and the weight

2015-09-24 17:55:02来源: 长城网

长城网9月24日讯(记者 宁晓雪)日前,河北省委中心组召开学习会,对开展“解放思想、抢抓机遇、奋发作为、协同发展”大讨论,努力形成“树正气、讲团结、聚合力、促转型”的新局面作出安排部署,提出了奋力建...

the Great Wall net September 24 (reporter Ning Xiaoxue) recently, Hebei Provincial Center Group held a learning will, to carry out "emancipating the mind, seize the opportunity to forge as, collaborative development of the big discussion, to form" tree upright, unity and cohesion, promoting the transformation of "the new situation to make arrangements for the deployment, and puts forward the struggling to build...