新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从华尔街精英到波尔多庄主 薛濠宇的葡萄酒世界

从华尔街精英到波尔多庄主 薛濠宇的葡萄酒世界

From the Wall Street elite to Bordeaux suzerain Xue Haoyu wine world Sina

2015-01-04 16:14:59来源: 新浪

薛濠宇 上海交大国际酒业食品管理学院院长、派拉蒙酒庄庄主 薛濠宇曾是华尔街金融精英,波尔多的酒庄庄主,如今他是上海交大国际酒业食品管理学院的院长,他希望向中国人展现美式的葡萄酒资本规划、法国人对葡...

Xue Haoyu Shanghai Jiaotong University International Wine and food industry management college dean, paramount Chateau suzerain Xue Haoyu was Wall Street financial elite, Bordeaux Chateau suzerain. Now he is dean of the Shanghai Jiaotong University International Wine & Food Institute of management. He hoped to show American wine capital planning, the French to Portugal to the Chinese...

标签: 葡萄酒