新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿森纳死性不改!曝温格要留两嫡系废将 就不卖

阿森纳死性不改!曝温格要留两嫡系废将 就不卖

Arsenal have not changed! Had arsene wenger to leave two lineal waste will not sell

2016-05-20 16:15:15来源: 新浪

阿森纳被曝要续约威尔谢尔 新浪体育讯 足球是竞技体育,这项运动因此竞争非常残酷。一些球员若长时间表现不佳,那他们势必将成为球队清洗的目标。不过,这一定理在威尔谢尔和沃尔科特身上,却并不适用,因为...

Arsenal had to sign a new contract wilshere sina sports - football is a competitive sports, the sport so competition is very cruel. If some players performed poorly for a long time, they will become the target of cleaning team. However, it must be on jack wilshere and theo walcott, is not applicable, because...