新关注 > 信息聚合 > 共11款车型 众泰T600运动版配置曝光

共11款车型 众泰T600运动版配置曝光

A total of 11 models Zotye T600 Sport Exposure

2016-05-16 20:38:22来源: 环球网

日前,我们从众泰官方获得了T600运动版车型的配置信息,新车将推出搭载1.5T和2.0T两款发动机的共11款车型供选,根据之前的报道,众泰T600运动版车型将于5月内正式上市。 众泰T600运动版配置表 车型1.5T2.0T MTMTDCT 豪华型尊享型尊贵型豪华型尊享型尊贵型旗...

Recently, we received official herd Thailand configuration information T600 Sport models, the new car will be launched 1.5T and 2.0T two engines powered by a total of 11 models for the election, according to previous reports, the Zotye T600 Sport models will be May the official listing. Zotye T600 configuration table Sport Luxury models 1.5T2.0T MTMTDCT enjoy distinguished type type type noble luxury exclusive Flag ...