新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暴雪将至》将亮相戛纳 制片人出席电影节发布会

《暴雪将至》将亮相戛纳 制片人出席电影节发布会

Producer at the blizzard will be at cannes film festival press conference

2016-04-20 22:02:42来源: 国际在线


Yesterday, young filmmakers XiaoQianCao the blizzard will be as a producer of film projects will debut at the Beijing film festival activity of young movie special fund, named the "cannes producer workshop producers plan" in 2016, and will be invited to attend the cannes film festival. The project after the screening, as part of the cannes film festival producer workshop, one of the five Chinese works at the beginning of the network has shown potential, have gained good reputation among the industry...

标签: 暴雪 电影