新关注 > 信息聚合 > [喵喵]电子科大开川菜课 食堂专供学炒菜

[喵喵]电子科大开川菜课 食堂专供学炒菜

[] dianzaikeda Sichuan meow open class dining room for cooking school

2015-09-02 18:47:21来源: 新浪

被嫌弃不会做饭?生活不能自理得靠外卖活?不怕,今年@@电子科技大学 设选修课《知味》,从饮食文化、原料知识等理论教起,还教怎么做川菜和四川小吃,学生三食堂能现场学炒菜...#高校开川菜课教炒菜#,骚...

Sina despise not cook? Life can not take care of themselves to live? Not afraid, this year @ @ University of Electronic Science and technology of design elective course "to", teaching from the theory of diet culture, knowledge of the raw materials, but also taught how to make Sichuan cuisine and Sichuan snacks, three student canteen to site to learn cooking. # college Sichuan lesson to teach cooking #, Sao...