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《DMC鬼泣 决定版》部分欧美媒体评分

The DMC devil may cry decision version "in parts of Europe and the United States media score

2015-03-11 14:15:10来源: 新浪

《DMC鬼泣:决定版》是CAPCOM公司预计于2015年3月10日所推出的一款PS4/XBOX One双平台游戏,而日前欧美部分媒体也给出了他们的评分。本作在原本基础上提升了画质并且追加了不少新内容,而从这批评分来看,这样的改善似乎也得到了认同。目前本作得到的评分基本都在9分左右,IGN...

the DMC devil may cry: edition is decided by Capcom company expects on 10 March 2015 launched a PS4/XBOX one double platform game, and recently Europe and part of the media is also given their score. This work has improved the quality and added a lot of new content, and from this point of view, this improvement seems to have been recognized. At present, the score is about 9 points, IGN...