新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网货抽检新规能让“小二”服气吗


Net goods sampling of new regulations to make "P2" convinced?

2015-07-14 15:02:41来源: 新浪

■ 本报评论员 胡蓉 据媒体昨日报道,国家工商总局拟出台《关于加强和规范网络交易商品质量抽查检验工作的意见》,使消费者尽可能避免在网上买到假冒伪劣商品。目前,新规正在征求意见中。 网络交易商品、抽查检验,这些关键词很容易让人联想起今年年初的那场著名的“嘴仗”:1月23日,国家工商...

exergy newspaper commentator Hu Rong media reported yesterday, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce quasi promulgated the "on the strengthening and standardizing the network dealers quality inspection work opinion", so that consumers as far as possible to avoid buy fake and shoddy goods on the Internet. At present, the new regulations are being sought. Network transactions, spot checks, these words are very easy to make people think of the beginning of this year, the famous "mouth battle": January 23rd, the State Administration for Industry and commerce...