新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《热血三国志》PS4/PC版发售,支持简体中文


[welfare] the ps4/pc version of the Three Kingdoms in hot blood is available in simplified Chinese

2022-07-21 16:23:45来源: 游戏时光

街机动作冒险游戏《热血三国志》现已登陆 PS4 和 Steam 平台,支持简体中文。本作的 Switch 版在去年年末推出,随着本次 PS4 和 PC 中文版的推出,Switch 中文版也一并到来。 《热血三国志》是一款以架空三国时代为背景的街机冒险游戏,玩家扮演的系列主角“国夫君”与他的朋友将在游戏中化身三国武将,在乱世中打下一片江山。游戏支持最多 4 人合作游玩,可以使用多种必杀技与谋略战个痛快。福利时间在本文评论区留言,你就有机会获得本作的 PS4 版~游戏截图

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Arcade action adventure game "blood of the Three Kingdoms" has now landed on PS4 and steam platforms, supporting simplified Chinese. The switch version of this work was launched at the end of last year. With this & nbsp; The launch of PS4 and PC Chinese versions, as well as the switch Chinese version, are also coming& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; "Blood of the Three Kingdoms" is an arcade adventure game based on the overhead era of the Three Kingdoms. The protagonist of the series "Guo Fu Jun" played by the player and his friends will be incarnated as military generals of the Three Kingdoms in the game, making a great success in troubled times. The game supports up to 4 people to play together, and you can use a variety of killer skills and strategies to have a good time. Leave a message in the comment area of this article during the welfare time, and you will have the opportunity to get the PS4 version of this work ~ game screenshot

标签: PS PC PS4