新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼的一份专利显示PS5或将兼容PS3时代硬件


A Sony patent shows that ps5 may be compatible with PS3 era hardware

2022-07-04 12:44:47来源: 游戏时光

据外媒 Game Rant 报道,索尼最近申请了一份名为「将旧代码转化为更新代码的系统和方法(Systems and Methods For Converting A Legacy Code Into An Updated Code)」的专利。该专利显示 PS5 或将兼容一些 PS3 时代硬件。 从专利图上我们可以看到 DualShock 手柄、索尼媒体遥控器、PlayStation 鼠标、PSP Go、EyeToy 等设备,它们大多是 PS3 时代的硬件。 此前曾有传闻提到,索尼正研究在 PS5 上通过模拟器运行 PS3 游戏。结合此次专利来看,PS5 对上述硬件的兼容或许是通过模拟器实现

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to foreign media game rant, Sony recently applied for a patent entitled "systems and methods for converting a legacy code into an updated code". The patent shows that the ps5 may be compatible with some PS3 era hardware& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; From the patent map, we can see that dualshock handle, Sony media remote control, PlayStation mouse, PSP go, EYETOY and other devices are mostly PS3 era hardware& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Previously, there was a rumor that Sony was studying running PS3 games on ps5 through simulator. Combined with this patent, ps5's compatibility with the above hardware may be achieved through the simulator

标签: PS 索尼