新关注 > 信息聚合 > 竞技手游日益高涨 你还记得MOBA曾经的模样么

竞技手游日益高涨 你还记得MOBA曾经的模样么

Competitive hand travel growing you remember MOBA once the appearance of the

2015-08-08 17:35:00来源: 4399


in this year's ChinaJoy, the mobile game is still the focus of the show. In the new works in MOBA Mobile Games a superb collection of beautiful things, focus on the outbreak of taylor. The concept of mobile micro gaming has also been repeatedly mentioned the major manufacturers. From the initial map, to today's cross platform development, MOBA game in a few decades, accompanied by a generation of people's growth. This small band everyone went back to the past, back to the beginning of the legend of MOBA...

标签: 手游