新关注 > 信息聚合 > 引人入胜的精灵世界 《精灵大师》游戏介绍

引人入胜的精灵世界 《精灵大师》游戏介绍

Absorbing the spirit world "demon master" game

2015-08-20 15:56:47来源: 4399

《精灵大师》是一款以宠物为题材的2D动作类手游,有着区别于传统宠物游戏的玩法,别具一格的美术风格,以及造型各异的精灵形象,三种不同职业,打造出一款别致的宠物游戏。 战斗之中,时机为重,合理的运用大招,是战斗胜利与否的关键。如何安排自己精灵和英雄合理的释放大招呢,这款游戏就考验了玩家能力...

"demon master" is a pet for the theme of the 2D action type of hand travel, with different to traditional pet game play, unique art style, and different shapes of the elf image, three different occupations, to create a a chic pet game. Battle, time weight, reasonable use of strokes, is the key to success in the battle. How to arrange their own wizard and hero reasonable release strokes, this game is a game player ability test...

标签: 游戏