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日服《星钻物语》手游新作上架 新角色登场

"Star monogatari" mobile game a day book shelves New role on

2016-05-24 18:09:12来源: 17173

自公布以来便备受关注的人气手机网游新作《星钻物语:召唤士成长记》(トリックスター ~召唤士になりたい!~)现在正式上架,本作是知名的《星钻物语》系列手机RPG新作,由Stairs Corp开发,对应iOS、Android双平台。 游戏舞台还是跟原作《星钻物语》一样在卡巴拉岛上,玩家将...

Was the growing popularity of high-profile mobile phone games since released a new "star moon: summons and growth" (ト リ ッ ク ス タ ー ~ summons and に な り た い! ~) is activated, now this is the famous "star" series mobile RPG, the Stairs Corp development, corresponding to the iOS and Android platform. Game stage or the same as the original "star moon" on the island of kabbalah, players will...

标签: 手游