新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传闻:《质量效应》三部曲高清重制或将于10月推出


Rumor: quality effect trilogy HD remake may be launched in October

2020-08-30 07:59:15来源: 游戏时光

  作为 BioWare 旗下极具口碑的“太空歌剧”系列,不少玩家都盼着《质量效应》三部曲能够被高清化重制,而近期有传闻称三部曲重制版或将于今年 10 月份推出。  放出该传闻的仍是 GamesBeat 网站的记者 Jeff Grubb,此前“一再强调”EA 会在 2021 年 4 月前推出三部曲重制版,而近日他在播客节目中再次“非常确信”三部曲将于今年 10 月发售,不过因为疫情原因或许会延迟一段时间,但它一定会推出,因为 Grubb 有足够多的消息源证实这一点。  Grubb 提到三部曲重制将不会是完全“Remake”,而是对画面进行了升级的高清版,这点需要粉丝做好心理准备,如果三部曲重制版真的要在 10 月发售,那或许 EA 官方很快就会公布相关消息,此外还有情报称新的《质量效应》作品也在制作中,请大家理

As a highly acclaimed "space opera" series owned by BioWare, many players are looking forward to the high-definition reproduction of the "quality effect" trilogy. Recently, it is rumored that the trilogy will be reprinted in October this year. The rumor is still released by gamebeat reporter Jeff Grubb, who previously "repeatedly stressed" that EA would launch a remake of the trilogy by April 2021. Recently, in his podcast program, he was "very sure" that the trilogy would be available in October this year. However, it may be delayed for some time due to the epidemic, but it will definitely be launched because of Grubb There are enough sources to confirm this. Grubb mentioned that the Remaking of the trilogy will not be a complete "remake", but a high-definition version with upgraded pictures. This requires fans to be prepared for this. If the Remaking of the trilogy is to be released in October, perhaps the EA official will release relevant information soon. In addition, there is also intelligence that a new "quality effect" work is also being produced. Please take care of it