新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方:阿尔巴将伤停10天,或错过1场联赛


Official: Alba will hurt stop 10 days, or miss a league

2015-03-28 21:47:58来源: 华体网

据巴萨队医检查,在今天凌晨的欧预赛中受伤的阿尔巴将伤停大约10天,可能错过与塞尔塔的联赛。 在今天凌晨西班牙与乌克兰比赛的第77分钟,阿尔巴受伤下场,随后便返回了巴塞罗那,接受队医检查。目前已确认...

according to Barcelona team doctor check, injured in this morning's European Championship qualifier in Alba injury stopped about 10 days, and may miss the league with CELTA. In the early this morning, Spain and Ukraine match 77 minutes, Alba limped off, then he returned to Barcelona, accept the doctor check. Has been recognized...