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深度-佩德罗带给切尔西什么 他是穆帅的解药吗

The depth of Pedro to Chelsea what he is Mourinho any antidote

2015-08-22 12:16:44来源: 新浪

佩德罗会在切尔西成功吗? 新浪体育讯 在完败给曼城,遭遇本世纪英超最差开局之后,切尔西在转会市场上以雷厉风行之势抢下佩德罗。对于已经战功卓著的佩德罗来说,这无疑是一段新的旅程,而蓝军同样希望这位...

success at Chelsea? Sina sports dispatch in defeat to Manchester City, suffered in the Premiership worst start after Chelsea in the transfer market to resolutely grab Pedro. To have outstanding military exploits of Pedro, this is undoubtedly a new journey, but also hope that the blues...