新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏前线:完美《无冬OL》北京魔幻品鉴会现场报道


The front game: perfect Neverwinter OL "magic" Beijing tasting scene reported

2015-05-10 12:30:56来源: 多玩游戏

一分钟了解发布会: 5月10日下午1点,完美世界在北京为旗下代理欧美MMORPG游戏《无冬OL》举办精英品鉴会。据悉,本次品鉴会将会公布不删档内测的时间,同时邀请了苍天哥、三季稻、星辰公会和七煌公会的会长等知名《魔兽世界》名人玩家参与到本次品鉴会当中。多玩记者已经前往前线作好准备,为...

a minute conference: May 10th 1 in the afternoon, the perfect world in Beijing for its "Winter Games agency of American MMORPG OL" held elite tasting. It is reported, the defective tasting will be released beta does not delete files in time, and invited Cang Tian Ge, three season rice, and seven stars guild and guild president and other well-known "World of Warcraft" celebrity game player to participate in the defective tasting. Play to the front of reporters have to prepare for...

标签: 游戏