新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陕西招生考试信息网2015年高考成绩查询入口


Enrollment information network in Shaanxi 2015 college entrance examination scores query entrance

2015-06-22 14:10:44来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线讯 2015年陕西省普通高考报名人数共有34万余人。据中国教育在线了解,6月25日12时,考生就可以登录陕西招生考试信息网查高考成绩了。 高考成绩查询6月25日12时开放

China Education online news in 2015 in Shaanxi Province college entrance examination registration number, a total of 34 million people. According to China Education online, in June 25th 12, the candidates can log in Shaanxi entrance examination information network to check the results of the college entrance examination. College entrance examination results in June 25th 12 open