新关注 > 信息聚合 > “屌丝”大鹏:袁姗姗会因为《煎饼侠》而翻身


"Dick" Dapeng: Yuan Shanshan will because the pancake man "and stand up

2015-07-22 00:40:43来源: 中国青年网

大鹏、柳岩 腾讯娱乐讯 由大鹏(董成鹏)导演的处女作《煎饼侠》正在热映。近日,大鹏携柳岩现身深圳路演,为《煎饼侠》造势。大鹏透露,为拍好这部影片,曾给每位参演的演员写了一封信,且内容都不同,又亲...

Dapeng, Liuyan Tencent Entertainment News by Dapeng (Dong Chengpeng) the director debut the pancake man" being aggressively. Recently, Liu Yan appeared in Shenzhen Dapeng articles roadshow, the campaign for the "pancake". Dapeng said, in order to make a good movie, gave each participating actor wrote a letter, and the contents are different, and dear...