新关注 > 信息聚合 > 楼市是拉动经济的第四匹马,你信么


Property is stimulating the economy of the four horses, do you believe?

2015-03-30 17:38:53来源: 新浪网

文/新浪财经意见领袖专栏(微信公众号kopleader)专栏作家 李庚南 要客观定位房地产,把房地产作为经济发展的重要行业,按照房地产市场运行的规律和周期性特点,适时适度进行调控;而不是把房地产...

paper / Reuters opinion leader column (micro channel number of public kopleader) columnist Li Gengnan to objective orientation of real estate, the real estate economic development as an important industry, in accordance with the operation of the real estate market rules and periodic characteristics, appropriate and timely regulation; and not to real estate...