新关注 > 信息聚合 > 蜜柚:打造纯粹的女性公寓,做有温度的合租O2O


Pomelo: to create a pure women's apartment, with temperature flat-share O2O

2015-04-09 16:06:39来源: 新浪

专注女性公寓长租 【猎云网成都站】4月9日报道(文/沈小雪) 就整个市场来看,租房领域已经从信息型平台转化到服务型平台,将租房与服务结合切入到交易的过程,这可以给创业者更多的想象空间,同时伴随...

focus on women's apartment to rent the [April 9th] hunting cloud network Chengdu Railway Station reports (text / Shen Xiaoxue) on the market point of view, housing area has been transformed from the information platform to service platform, will be combined with the rental and service entry to the trading process, which can be give entrepreneurs more imagination space, at the same time...