新关注 > 信息聚合 > 明早7点全区例行维护 喜新念旧升级操作

明早7点全区例行维护 喜新念旧升级操作

7 o'clock tomorrow morning the whole routine maintenance like nostalgic upgrade operation

2015-08-12 20:45:52来源: 多玩游戏

各位亲爱的玩家: 全区全服将于明天(8月13日)7:00进行例行维护,预计维护时长2小时。维护期间将对“喜新念旧”活动中成功绑定的下家角色进行跳级至满级的操作。 维护结束后将通过公告进行告知,敬...

you dear internationally: serving the whole region will be at 7:00 tomorrow (August 13) for routine maintenance, is expected to maintain the length of two hours. The maintenance period will be advanced to the full level operation of "binding success like the new nostalgia" activities in the family role. After the end of the maintenance will be informed by the announcement, respect...