新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看了这些iOS的app 仅剩的一个肾也不够了

看了这些iOS的app 仅剩的一个肾也不够了

See a iOS app only the kidney is not enough

2015-03-25 10:51:07来源: 站长之家

App Store中的应用数以百万计,常见的付费应用普遍在百元以内。但是,在这个任性的年代,顶配怎能缺位? 不妨跟随外媒Ubergizmo的统计,看一看这些iOS平台上价格“魔性”甚至触顶1000...

Store App in the application of millions of common paid applications generally within one hundred dollars. However, in this wayward era, how can the top of the vacancy? May wish to follow the foreign media Ubergizmo statistics, take a look at the price of these iOS platform magic even touch the top 1000...

标签: APP iOS