新关注 > 信息聚合 > 空中技巧世锦赛齐广璞夺冠 女队无缘六连冠

空中技巧世锦赛齐广璞夺冠 女队无缘六连冠

Qi Guangpu won the women's Team Championship Air techniques missed six consecutive

2015-01-16 04:47:01来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间1月16日消息,2015自由式滑雪世锦赛于今天凌晨结束了空中技巧单项的争夺。在男子组决赛里,卫冕冠军、中国选手齐广璞[微博]使用现世界最高难度动作bdFFdF(向后翻腾三周转体1...

Sina Sina sports news Beijing standard time on January 16th message, 2015 Freestyle Skiing World Championships ended aerials single competing in the wee hours of the morning. In the men's team final, defending champion, China player Qi Guangpu [] is the highest in the world micro-blog using bdFFdF difficulty movement (backward somersault three weeks swivel 1...