新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝奔驰新一代E级效果图 或明年3月发布

曝奔驰新一代E级效果图 或明年3月发布

Exposure of the Mercedes Benz new generation E class effect diagram or released next March

2015-01-26 02:14:48来源: 爱卡汽车网

近日,海外媒体曝光了一组奔驰新一代E级的车型效果图。据悉,新车或将搭载一套插电式混动系统,预计全新E级将于2016年3月对外发布。 小贴士:全新奔驰E级效果图;将2016年3月发布;或搭一套插电...

recently, overseas media exposure of a group of new generation E class car renderings. It is reported, a new car or will be equipped with a set of plug-in hybrid system, is the new E class will be released in 2016 March the foreign. Tips: Mercedes Benz E renderings will be released on March; 2016; or by a set of plug...