新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高清:天津北大港湿地迎来南迁候鸟


HD: Tianjin Beidagang wetland usher in migrated to the South on 8 migratory birds

2015-10-09 14:44:39来源: 人民网

10月8日,随着深秋来临,世界候鸟迁徙重要通道组成部分的天津北大港湿地,迎来了数百只南迁途中在此停留休息的候鸟。 中新社记者 佟郁 摄 高清推荐:

10 month. With the advent of the autumn, the world migratory bird migration important channel part of Beidagang wetland, ushered in the hundreds of migrated to the South on the way in the rest of migratory birds. China News Agency reporter Tong Yu HD recommendation: