新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《空甲联盟》中国元素大盘点!华人美女画师出境


"Empty a league" Chinese elements of the market point! Chinese beauty artist exit

2016-01-22 17:49:53来源: 电玩巴士

由美国Carbon Games研发,国内完美世界代理的RTS+MOBA新形态对战网游《空甲联盟》国服二测已经结束,革新的玩法+刺激的对战深受国人好评。正如近年来,不少海外游戏入华后纷纷入乡随俗的推出了中国玩家喜闻乐见的本土化元素一样,来到中国的《空甲联盟》也同样加入了很多中国元素,例如“...

By the United States Games Carbon research and development, the perfect world agency RTS+MOBA new form of war games, "a League of two" national service test has ended, the reform of the play and stimulate the war by the Chinese people. As in recent years, many overseas game into China have when in Rome, do as the Romans do launched a Chinese players loved the localization elements, came to China "empty a alliance also joined the many elements, such as"...