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骨感万能侠 火柴人手游大盘点

The skinny man match the universal Mobile Games

2015-04-05 09:50:22来源: 任玩堂

还记得当年家里还没有网络的时候,FJ 很喜欢到能上网的亲戚家里下载 Flash 游戏回家玩。那些年 Flash 游戏和 Flash 动画非常火,有关注的童鞋肯定会知道,火柴人是这些小作品的常客。这个最早在原始艺术就开始出现的小家伙,虽然其貌不扬,但十八般武艺样样皆能。虽然现在智能手机普及...

remember when the home is not the network when access to the Internet, FJ likes to relatives in home to play Flash game downloads. In those years, Flash games and Flash animation is very fire, pay attention to the children's shoes will know, who is a frequent visitor to match these works. The earliest primitive art began to appear in the little guy, even ugly in one's appearance, but eighteen Wu Yi and jack of all trades. Although the popularity of smart mobile phone...

标签: 手游