新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游2西南赛区赛震撼来袭!相约成都高手之争


Fantasy Westward Journey 2 southwest conference tournament shock struck! Meet Chengdu master battle

2015-08-30 23:12:39来源: 游久网

全民PK赛进阶赛拉下帷幕,紧张激烈的赛区赛即将开始。高手之争,荣耀之战,赛区赛冠军究竟花落谁家,谁将能入围全国总决赛,问鼎2015全民PK赛之巅,8月21日,西南赛区的朋友们,让我们相约成都,期待冠军的诞生! 选手即将入住的豪华酒店曝光: 看大图 看大图

national advanced Sierra under the curtain, the upcoming intense division tournament. Master, the glory of war, division champion what flower falls whose home, who will be able to shortlisted for the national finals, aspirations to the 2015 universal PK tournament top, August 21, the southwest division of the friends, let us meet in Chengdu, looking forward to the champions of the birth! Players will soon enter luxury hotel exposure: enlarge enlarge

标签: 梦幻西游