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《御龙在天手游》1月新版本上线 SNH48专属副本降临

The royal dragon in the days of mobile game January new version online SNH48 exclusive copy

2017-01-19 11:40:24来源: 任玩堂

腾讯国战手游《御龙在天手游》1 月新版本“千里姻缘 浪漫国战”开启后,结婚系统浪漫上线。本次除了新增家族争霸跨服赛、家族试炼、神兵系统外,更新增国民级美少女天团 SNH48 的专属副本“守护SNH48”。骁勇无畏的将军,要击退众多莽汉,守护心中的公主。相信御龙的将军们对于 SNH48 都有一定的了解,中立区公主雕像、温泉守护女神鞠婧祎、李艺彤专属 buff 药剂,在御龙手游的世界里,到处可见 SNH48 的身影。而在“千里姻缘 浪漫国战”新版本中,更新增 SNH48 专属副本。在“守护SNH48”副本中,将 SNH48 的小剧场植入御龙大世界,为御龙的将军们献上新年演唱会,将军们击退硬闯剧场的...

Tencent frequents mobile game "royal dragon in the days of mobile game" January new version "long-distance romance Romantic frequents "after open, romantic marriage system online. This in addition to the new family ii cross-server, trial, magic system, a new class National Day is a beautiful girl group SNH48 exclusive copy "guardian SNH48". The most intrepid general to repel many hotheads, guard the princess in the heart. Believed that royal dragon generals SNH48 has certain understanding, neutral zone, hot springs, protective goddess statue princess JuJing yi, Li Yitong exclusive buff potions, the royal dragon mobile game world, SNH48 can be seen everywhere. In the "long-distance romance Romantic frequents "the new version, the more new SNH48 exclusive copy. In "guardian SNH48" copy, planted at the little theater SNH48 royal same world, as well as the royal dragon New Year concert of the generals, the generals to ward off a hard into the theater...

标签: 手游