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福建经典戏曲“化身”动漫进校园 传统文化焕发新魅力

"Avatar" fujian opera classic anime into campus culture gained new charm

2017-12-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

图为学生现场学习闽剧表演,感受中华传统文化的魅力。 新华网 蒋巧玲 摄 27日下午,福建艺术职业学院的校园内荡漾着婉转动听的戏曲唱腔,学校的音乐厅里,一场场闽剧、京剧的经典剧目渐次上演——这是福建省图书馆为迎接2018年1月1日《中华人民共和国公共图书馆法》的正式实施,贯彻落实其中关于传承和发展中华优秀传统文化的相关要求而举办的“戏曲动漫进校园”系列活动。 本次活动由福建省图书馆、福建艺术职业学院联合主办。当天活动现场不仅有动漫剧京剧《三岔口》表演、经典戏曲海报展览、经典戏曲动漫展播,还有戏曲人物Cosplay大比拼、戏曲脸谱手工坊等活动。同时,学生们还可以通过现场互动体验,学习戏曲...

The picture shows students live min opera performances, feel the charm of the Chinese traditional culture. Xinhuanet Jiang Qiaoling taken Friday afternoon, fujian art vocational college campus rippling warble of opera singing, the school hall, comfortable classic min opera, Peking Opera gradually stage - this is the library of fujian province for the January 1, 2018 of the public library law of the People's Republic of China formally implemented, the implementation of inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture and the requirements of the relevant "opera animation into campus" series of activities. The event sponsored by the library of fujian province, fujian art vocational college. On the day of the event is not only a cartoon show "divergence" Beijing Opera performances, exhibitions, classic opera classic opera poster cartoon films, and opera characters Cosplay contest, drama facebook hand workshop and other activities. At the same time, students can also through the interactive experience, a learning opera...