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小米8开发内测版更新:新增Game Turbo游戏加速

Development of millet 8 private beta version update: new Game Turbo Game speed

2019-03-20 11:02:56来源: IT之家

IT之家3月20日消息 近期,小米8手机迎来了新的MIUI内测版更新,带来了Game Turbo游戏加速功能。此前小米表示,小米8也将带来小米9上的九大功能。小米9上首次搭载了Game Turbo游戏加速功能,一方面会对强悍的硬件性能进行全面优化,;另一方面还为玩家提供可定制的触控和显示参数,可根据个人喜好调整画面效果和操控手感。此外还能通过全新的游戏工具箱。相关阅读:《小米8屏幕指纹版即升级小米9九大功能:Game Turbo,系统不卡顿...》

IT's home on March 20, news & have spent Recently, millet mobile phone 8 ushered in the new beautiful MIUI beta version update, the Game Turbo Game acceleration. Said after millet, millet, 8 would bring on millet 9 nine big functions. Millet carried a Game for the first time on 9 Turbo acceleration Game, on the one hand to strong comprehensive optimized hardware performance,; On the other hand also provide players with customizable touch and display parameter, picture can be adjusted according to individual be fond of and manipulation of the handle. Also can pass the whole new game toolbox. Related: "8 fingerprint screen version of the upgrade millet millet 9 nine big functions: Game Turbo, system BuKa meal..."

标签: 游戏