新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《妖之食肆》妖界种族概况介绍


"The restaurant of the demon" Demon Race Fact sheet

2019-03-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

灵界光怪陆离、浩瀚如烟,灵域千姿百态的风土人情孕育了不同的种族和文化。在《妖之食肆》中,妖族分为妖、鬼、精、灵及妖神五类。百鬼众魅,万物有灵,妖怪们因诞生于不同的生活环境,产生了独特的文化信仰体系,最终形成了《妖之食肆》如今熙熙攘攘的妖界众生相。待到进入游戏后,店长们将要面对其中各个妖怪部族成员,提前了解他们的概况,是必不可少的功课哦! 用美食俘获妖怪的真心 美味代表了不同种族的饮食文化,是一种能将温暖直击食客内心的神奇介质。店长们在《妖之食肆》经营餐厅时,需要招待攘来熙往的妖怪食客们。妖怪们休养千年,一些身处安逸远离动乱之源的妖族已经繁衍出了大量族人,诸如重明鸟、熊猫、鲛人、青鸾、...

The spiritual world is bizarre and vast as smoke, and the variety of customs in the spiritual realm breeds different races and cultures. In the "Devil's Restaurant", The demon family is divided into three categories, demon, Ghost, fine, spirit and demon God. Hundred Ghosts, all things have spirit, monsters because of the birth of different living environment, produced a unique system of cultural belief, and finally formed the "Demon Restaurant" is now the bustling demon world of all beings. After entering the game, the store leaders will face the members of each of the Genie clans, in advance to understand their profile, is essential to the homework Oh! The true delicacy of capturing monsters with gourmet food represents the food culture of different races and is a magical medium that can warm the hearts of diners. When the store managers run the restaurant in the "Demon Restaurant", they need to entertain the genie diners who hustle bustle come to XI. The monsters have been recuperating for thousands of years, and some of the demons, who are at ease from the source of unrest, have spawned a large number of people, such as the bright birds, pandas, sharks, and the 、...