新关注 > 信息聚合 > 隆重揭晓 | Google Play 2018 年度大赏,中国开发者再领风骚

隆重揭晓 | Google Play 2018 年度大赏,中国开发者再领风骚

Solemnly announced | Google Play is great reward in 2018, Chinese developers become popular again

2018-12-18 15:41:26来源: 游戏茶馆

一个应用 / 游戏的成功,离不开各个角度和各个层面的卓越创造和精心打磨,Google Play 年度大赏奖项的设立也旨在收录和激励开发者们在每一个层面的精进,并感谢他们为全球用户们打造出的精良体验。我们也欣喜地注意到,开发者们在打造自己作品的时候,将社区建设与粉丝互动提升到了新的高度。所以今年我们新增加了 “用户喜爱的应用” 和 “玩家喜爱的游戏” 两个奖项,旨在鼓励开发者们更多地和使用者们打成一

The success of an application/game, cannot be separated from different angles and at different levels of excellence created and carefully polished, Google Play the establishment of the annual prize award also aimed at collection and motivate developers at every level of diligence, and thank them for global users create excellent experience. We are delighted to note that developers to build her works, the community construction interact with fans to new heights. So this year we added "user favorite application" and "love game" two awards, designed to encourage developers and users into a more