新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰亭集势遭遇资金困局 员工离职数达500人

兰亭集势遭遇资金困局 员工离职数达500人

Orchid Pavilion potential encounter financial difficulties employee turnover amounted to 500 people

2015-09-20 10:27:17来源: 亿邦动力网


in NYSE listed "China foreign trade business first" -- the potential of the Orchid Pavilion seems to have been in financial difficulties. "The Department of 95% colleagues from June 15th up to now only basic salary, commission is zero." Lanting Pavilion set potential Beijing an online sales told the China business reporter. Orchid Pavilion potential by the 15th of the month wages, 2015 years 6, 7, 8 months, most of the employees are only send base salary, so pessimistic mood of employees for the future of the company is increasing. The results lead to the Lanting Pavilion set potential employees are accelerating, the company a staff member of the micro channel group has been close to 500 people. The company is located in Wangjing, Beijing, including online sales and customer service, including close to 50 people, the size of the eBay sales team as an example, since 2015, the company has been leaving employees around 20 people. Lanting Pavilion set in June 2015 has just acquired A shares of listing Corporation - AOKANG International (603001.SH) about 77000000 u....