新关注 > 信息聚合 > 前美国总统奥巴马顾问加入Uber竞争对手Lyft董事会


Former U.S. President barack Obama adviser to join Uber Lyft board rivals

2017-08-01 10:39:03来源: DoNews

DoNews8月1日消息 (记者 费倩文)美国打车软件公司 Lyft 周一表示,已经任命前总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的顾问瓦莱丽·加勒特(Valerie Jarrett)加入董事会。加勒特在公司的一篇博客文章中称,自己也是一名 Lyft 乘客,并表示认同公司的价值观。总部位于旧金山的 Lyft 一直在拓展美国本土服务,他们还与 Google 母公司 Alphabet 的自动驾驶部门 Waymo 以及通用汽车、捷豹等汽车制造商合作。瓦莱丽·加勒特今年 60 岁,曾在奥巴马执政期间担任高级顾问、助理等诸多职位。她还曾担任芝加哥地区的规划和发展专员以及城市交通委员会主席。Lyft...

DoNews8 1 news (reporter FeiQianWen) Lyft taxi software companies in the United States, said on Monday it has appointed former President Barack Obama (Barack Obama) adviser Valerie Garrett (Valerie Jarrett) to join the board of directors. Garrett said in a blog post in the company, he was a Lyft passenger, and agree with the values of the company. SAN francisco-based Lyft has been expanding U.S. services, they also with Google self-driving department of its parent company's Alphabet Waymo and gm, jaguar car manufacturers cooperation. Valerie Garrett, 60, worked as senior adviser in the Obama administration, assistant position. She also served as the Chicago area and urban transportation planning and development commissioner, chairman of the committee. Lyft...