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NASA: Spacecraft superluminal loopholes can be through time and space

2015-04-04 00:20:10来源: 科技讯

美国宇航局NASA的物理学家发现弯曲速度行驶的理论可行性,从此推论,理论家认为人类可以超过光速的速度行驶。 【科技讯】4月3日消息,据外国媒体报道,美国宇航局NASA的物理学家发现弯曲速度行驶的理论可行性,从此推论,理论家认为人类可以超过光速的速度行驶。 由于任何事物的速度都不能...

American NASA NASA physicists found that theoretical feasibility, the bending speed and inference, theorists believe that humans can travel faster than light speed. [technology] April 3rd news, according to foreign media reports, NASA's NASA USA physicists found theoretical feasibility, the bending speed and inference, theorists believe that humans can travel faster than light speed. Because the speed of anything can...