新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《lovelive!学园偶像祭》最新福利:SR东条希免..


The lovelive! Academy idol offering the latest benefits: SR tojo was when free..

2016-08-02 11:36:12来源: 任玩堂

在40℃ 的高温下,2016 ChinaJoy 又是在人山人海中完美谢幕。作为一款极具人气的学园偶像音乐手游,《lovelive!学园偶像祭》依旧是本届 China Joy 的热点之一,展台试玩区与以往一样围了很多玩家。在 ChinaJoy 之后,这款手游又会给玩家带来怎样的福利呢?根据...

Under the high temperature of 40 ℃, and 2016 ChinaJoy perfect curtain call in people mountain people sea. As a highly popular music academy idol tour, hand "lovelive! Academy idol sacrifices" remains one of the hot spots of the China Joy, booth demo area and always surrounded by a lot of players. After ChinaJoy, this mobile game will bring players what welfare? According to the...