新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外媒称字节跳动公司正寻求15亿美元贷款


Foreign media said bytes to beat company is seeking a $1.5 billion loan

2018-11-29 22:11:19来源: DoNews

DoNews11月29日消息 (记者 费倩文)据华尔街日报消息称,字节跳动正与华尔街几家银行洽谈,计划贷款最多15亿美元。与字节跳动谈判的银行包括高盛集团、摩根士丹利、花旗集团、瑞银集团和美国银行。据报道,这笔交易可能在未来几周内完成。此前,该公司刚刚进行了一轮不低于25亿美元的股权融资,估值为750亿美元,是2017年底估值的两倍多。早些时候报道称,最新一轮融资的投资者包括软银集团和私募股权公司KKR。(完)

DoNews11 29 (reporter FeiQianWen) according to the Wall Street journal reported that byte jitter is negotiation with Wall Street Banks, loans up to $1.5 billion. Negotiate with byte beating Banks including Goldman sachs, Morgan Stanley, citigroup, ubs and bank of America. It is reported that the deal is likely to be completed in the next few weeks. Previously, the company has just conducted a round of not less than $2.5 billion in equity financing, valued at $75 billion, is the end of 2017 valuation of more than twice. Earlier reports that the latest round of financing investors including softbank group and private equity firms KKR. (after)