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张柏芝周笔畅刘亦菲 揭女星与干爹秘事/图

Cecilia Bibi actress Liu Yifei exposing secret affair with the godfather / Chart

2014-05-03 10:36:16来源: 山东新闻网

黄梓琪与干爹邓建国 邓建国上世纪80年代中期就离婚了,原因据他自己说是“老婆性格太火爆了”。这次婚姻给他留下了一个儿子,现在已经20多岁了。 离婚后,邓建国便情事不断,先是传与其旗下签约艺员...

Wong Chi-ki and godfather Deng Jianguo Deng Jianguo the mid-1980s divorce, because according to him he says that "Wife character too hot." This marriage gave him a son, and now has more than 20 years old. After the divorce, Deng Jianguo violations will continue, with its first pass of its signed artists ...