新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正装吴奇隆古装刘诗诗热吻照曝光 四爷若曦再续穿..

正装吴奇隆古装刘诗诗热吻照曝光 四爷若曦再续穿..

Wu and Liu Shi dress costume kiss Shots Siye O'Young adjourned to wear ..

2014-04-16 16:32:10来源: 长江商报


Nicky Wu and Liu Shi publicly kiss it! Wu and Liu Shi open affair after the first couple files a new play, "step by step Glory" on April 22 landing Zhejiang TV. The play exposed a group Wu and Liu Shi kiss stills. Still the two attended the press conference, Wu formal dress, Shi, costumes ...